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      Google Business / 

Informative SEO material for a simple explanation to the consumer

Take any information below to benefit your selling strategy  



Google is there to provide the best solutions to make it universally accessible & useful. This is the definition of how Google scrapes for information.


Accessibility & being useful is the dynamic needed for Google's algorithm to be put into place in order for your company like yours to be in front of the consumer's eyes. This is where SEO comes into play to make your business a top solution in its industry. 


If your business can’t be found on Google, not only are you missing out on free traffic but you’re also missing out on hot leads. 


The truth is there are almost 5 billion searches on Google a day; 3 million searches every single minute. If you think that people aren't looking for your solution on Google you’re sadly mistaken. 


SEO is a proven method to convert traffic more than any other source. 

Who do you think is more likely to buy from you? Someone who impulsively clicked on your ad or someone who is actively searching for a business like yourself? 

More times than not someone is actively searching for your business or service which is more likely to pull the trigger on a big purchase versus someone that is just curious about your business after clicking on an ad that is expensive to run for a day or week. 


In fact, small to medium size businesses are seeing an 8x higher conversion rate from SEO than from other traffic sources such as direct mail & printed advertising. 


In all honesty, if you want high conversion rates, SEO should be at the top of your list. 


SEO vs unnecessary Ad spend will not only build your business organically over time but will save you acquisition costs. 


In the game of digital advertising, everything is about your return on ad spend or just trying to find out if your campaign is profitable or not. 

This financial stress is not present with SEO, primarily because we compound traffic organically. 

With SEO you’re not just reaching people for today as you would with an ad, but you’re reaching people for weeks, months & sometimes years. 

Example: A blog getting 200,000 views, and continual blog/backlink/reviews building up your business over time making your business one of the top solutions in the industry. 


Reasons Customers/Businesses Don’t Invest (objective View) 


The single most thing that people choose to not invest in SEO is that it takes 6 to 12 months to be effective. 


This means you won’t see results tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next quarter. In order to build your website presence it takes time just as it would through word of mouth. 


The single fact runs people away. But in the long haul, why would you want to run away from free traffic, ready-to-go leads & the lowest acquisition cost on the internet? 


The reason it takes months is that it takes months to set up your website correctly for SEO & to send the appropriate user signals to Google's search engine. 


This isn’t a get fit in 30 days program because we all know that those programs don’t work anyways. It takes 6 to 12 months to get that right six-pack. :) Same goes with SEO it takes time for your site to get revved up until you have a digital storefront that is one of the top solutions in your area. 


Look it takes Strategy, Discipline & Patience to be successful in SEO & to be brutally honest with you these are the traits you need to be successful in your business. 

12 months will fly by & you will either be in a better position or the same position that you’re in today. It’s your choice. 


Do you think SEO is a good choice for your business? 


By : Justin Wiechman

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